Monday, June 30, 2014

tabata tuesday: new cardio + strength burst workout

Happy Tabata Tuesday!

Did we just invent a holiday? Possibly.

However, after you view this week's workout, you'll see that it's something to celebrate. After all... we included BURPEES!! If that doesn't make you want to pop a bottle of champagne, we don't know what will! (We kid, we kid.)

The dreaded burpee. (Murphy decided to sit this round out.)

Knee to elbow

We hope you all have a great week! Let us know if you try the workout... comment below or post your pic on Instagram with #youhadmeathappyhour!
Julia & Vicki

Thursday, June 26, 2014

crackers: a love story

One of the things that we have in common is our love for crackers. Yes, crackers. The crunchy, salty vehicle that brings our favorite cheeses and charcuterie to our lips. Seriously, no box of crackers is safe with us. As we have discovered a cleaner-eating lifestyle, we have made it our mission to find healthier, high-quality versions of our favorite foods. So, we thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite cracker varieties (the foundation of any good happy hour) and recount Vicki's most recent cracker shopping spree.

Crackers: A Love Story

By Vicki

Last Thursday, I stopped by our local Raley’s during my lunch break to buy a box of crackers for the office. It's a rare purchase, because unfortunately I have a problem with portion control.  Apparently, I also have a problem with box control. When I got in my car, I looked in my bag and realized I had purchased five varieties of crackers and two packs of gum. My thought when buying them was, "I wonder how this one tastes,” and they all wound up in my basket.

I think I need a cracker support group.

However, Happy Ladies, I believe my purchases were not in vein, because I can bestow my cracker knowledge upon you. Just remember not to eat the whole box (I'm still working on that). 

Did your favorites make the list? Let us know in the comments below!

Also, stay tuned for a new recipe post where we recreate one of our favorite crackers from scratch.  Cheers!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

the happy body checklist: tip #1

Greetings, Happy Ladies! 

Need a little inspiration? This week we’re launching the Happy Body Checklist. Every Wednesday, we’ll post a simple tip that has helped us stay motivated and meet our fitness goals. Make sure to subscribe (right hand side of our blog) so you don’t miss a post!

Tip #1: Partner up!

The best way to breathe new life into your workout routine is to find a partner! Ask a friend, coworker or neighbor (our favorite!) to join you for your workouts. Can’t get together with your partner in person? Use FaceTime so you can complete the workout together, wherever you are.

Not only do workout partners hold you accountable, they also give you new perspective. Typically, we tend to gravitate towards the exercises that are easiest for us.  When you work out with a partner, compromise to include both of your favorite exercises and activities to help maintain well-rounded workouts. 

Take it a step further: Make a schedule. Use that handy-dandy smart phone to create a shared calendar with your workout buddy and add all of your workouts. Once you have an appointment with a set date, place and time, it’s much harder to flake on your workout and leave your friend hanging. 

Ethel and Lucy never leave each other hanging. 

Image Source

We have had our share of false starts in the past, but since we became workout buddies, we've consistently worked out together every week for over one year (celebrated with champagne, of course). Not only have we become more fit, but most importantly, we've become great friends.


Vicki & Julia

Monday, June 23, 2014

cardio + strength burst workout

Happy Monday!

We are excited to share a brand new workout with you this week. It's a similar format to last week's workout, except we've changed up the exercises and added strength bursts (a strength-building exercise to complete one time between each tabata round) and a set of core exercises.

Don't worry, your cool down remains the same... a glass of wine! Cheers!

P.S. We know that some of the exercises might be unfamiliar to you, so we are currently working on taking pictures and videos of how to properly complete each move. In the meantime, Google any exercises that you are unfamiliar with or leave your questions in the comments section below.

Also, don't forget to post a pic of yourself completing the workout and tag #youhadmeathappybody on Instagram! 

Have a great week, Happy Ladies!

Vicki & Julia

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

mastering the happy meal (no, not the mcdonald's kind!)

Recently, we realized that our talent for multitasking had started to cramp our eating style. We found ourselves munching away while talking on the phone, watching TV and checking our emails. Although we love our electronics (what would we do if we couldn’t Google the nearest happy hour?), it was compromising the experience of eating. We made a few tweaks, and noticed a huge change in our eating habits and attitude towards meals and cooking. We would love for you to try it as well, and let us know your results! 

We challenge you to put down your iPhone, iPad, laptop and Kindle, turn off the TV, and tune in to eating. Choose one meal this week to sit down and enjoy the sheer pleasure of eating without electronic distractions. Dine alone or with family and friends. Concentrate on the food and conversation… not work email, TMZ or the latest episode of House of Cards. (But then definitely check out House of Cards… can we talk about how amazing that show is???)

In addition to temporarily parting with your electronics, we have a few tips to master the happy meal:

1.      Try a new recipe
A good way to engage your senses and be truly present while eating is to try a new recipe. Many times, we keep about three to five of the same dishes in our meal rotation. While it’s great to have a handful of tried and true dishes, it’s important to keep your taste buds guessing! Pick out a recipe this week that you’ve never tried. When you sit down (yes, sit down!) to taste your meal, take the time to try to identify each of the ingredients. Evaluate what you like about it and what you might change next time. Enjoy the process of cooking, not just the result!

2.      Embrace the art of food presentation
Presentation is one of the most underrated elements when it comes to meals at home. We'll put on a good show for our guests, but tend to fall down on the job for ourselves. Yes, we know it's easier to plop the food on the plate or just pull out a fork and eat straight from the pan (don’t act like you’ve never done it), but you will be amazed how your mind responds to the extra effort. Try to add in a couple happy touches to your next meal, like serving it on nice dishes and using cloth napkins. Add in candles, music and a little mood lighting (all hail the dimmer switch!) Bottom line: Give your food the respect it deserves

Here we are giving our tostada the respect it deserves.

3.      Choose quality over quantity
If you seek quality as opposed to quantity, you will end up enjoying foods more and needing less to feel content. This is a plus on many levels, whether it be maintaining your happy weight or reducing your carbon footprint. We enjoy picking up fresh fruits and veggies from our local farmers' markets. An advantage of buying from a farmers' market is that you’re getting foods that are in season. Get this, Happy Ladies… they have strawberries that actually SMELL like strawberries. And tomatoes that TASTE like tomatoes. We know, mind blowing, right? These intense aromas and flavors are absolutely necessary in order to feel satisfied. Note: Don’t be fooled Happy Ladies. High prices do not reflect quality. We have found some of our favorite wines at Trader Joe’s for under $10 and mouthwatering produce at the farmer’s market for less than you would pay at a discount grocery store. Also, remember to always read the ingredients on packages to ensure that the high “quality” or "all natural" labeling is not marketing fluff.

Favorites from our local farmers' market stand.

These are just suggestions to help you think about eating in a more positive, healthy way. There may be some things that don’t work for you… that’s ok! Play around with it until you find what’s right for you. The most important thing is to find balance, not overwhelm yourself with rules.

We want to hear from you! Leave your favorite "happy meal" tips in the comments section below.

And when you sit down for your next Happy Meal be sure to take a picture of your table before you sit down to eat, post it on Instagram, and tag it #youhadmeathappymeal !


Monday, June 16, 2014

you had me at happy body: 30-minute weekly workout

Hey, Happy Lady! Have we got a treat for you. And guess what? It's on the house! (You can tip us later. We accept all bribes, preferably in red wine and fine cheese.)

But first... some history.

About a year ago, we decided to start our own neighborhood workout group. We had grand plans of a weekly, boot-camp style, 60-minute workout with lots of equipment. We even went so far as setting up all the stations in our backyard, labeling each one, and inviting all our friends and neighbors. It was a great idea in theory, but in reality, it was a lot of work and time that we did not have.

As the weeks went on, our workouts evolved. We ditched most of the equipment, we stopped setting up stations, and as the summer progressed and the temperatures increased, we decided to move it indoors. (Happy Ladies can be delicate flowers in the California valley heat).

Then, one week, Vicki stumbled upon a great workout style called "tabata." Did someone say ciabatta?? No. Get your head outta the bread. This, Happy Ladies, is one of the best exercise concepts known to (wo)man. The idea is that you perform an exercise at maximal intensity for a set amount of time, typically 20 seconds, then rest for a shorter period of time, typically 10 seconds. Basically, a form of high intensity interval training.

First off, it's great for those that tend to get bored during workouts. Second, it's a great way to push yourself to the next level... because let's face it, you can do most things for 20 seconds. And third, it blasts calories in a fraction of the time. (Read: more time for happy hour.)

So, without further ado, here is your workout. 

Try it out and let us know what you think!

Julia & Vicki

Friday, June 13, 2014

hey, happy lady!

Welcome to You Had Me at Happy Hour.

Do you feel a sudden improvement in your mood? It's probably because you just read the words "Happy Hour." One of the best phrases in the English language. It's a time when friends gather, worries are forgotten, and fun times are had by all.

Not only are we happy hour enthusiasts, but we also love all things that make the world (and your life) a better place. So stay tuned... we'll be posting our workouts (Happy Body), what we're reading, thinking, or researching (Happy Mind), what we're doing (Happy Life) and of course, what we're drinking (Happy Hour).

Bottoms up!

Julia & Vicki