Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Full-Body CrossFit-Inspired Workout: Week 3

Hey, Happy Ladies! 

This week we're sharing the third workout in our CrossFit-Inspired series. It's very similar to last week's workout, but we've changed the number of rounds and some of the exercises in the circuits.

Tips for modifying: We believe in making your workout your own. It's important to go at your own pace and modify as necessary.  If you can't complete the entire workout as is, you can always do less rounds (or do less per round) until you are able to work up to it.

Personally, burpees are a huge challenge for us. When we first started working out, we could hardly do three in a row without gasping for air. If you are a beginner, start out at five burpees per round. As you improve your endurance, you can work up to ten burpees. If you stick with it, you will be amazed at how much this exercise will improve your endurance and tone your entire body.

Also, don't forget to take breaks when needed. If you are so fatigued that you are unable to perform the exercises properly, take a water break, catch your breath, and then start again when you have recovered. 

One thing you don't need to modify... your cool down! Enjoy your glass of wine after a workout well done! 


- Vicki & Julia

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